About Me

My name is Lisa Guinan and I live on the west coast of County Clare, Ireland.

From a very young age, I have had the desire to do good in the world and to make a difference. As I grew up (and I am still growing up), I came to understand that I could never do good until I healed the hurt inside of me. It’s been a long journey thus far and if anyone understands what it is like to be lost in the world, it is me. The thing I have come to realize is that contained within my biggest hurt, my biggest failing…. is the very thing that can make a difference.

I am an expert on feeling alone in the world and unable to find my way. Being lost is one of my specialties. I was immersed in that life training for over 20 years.

I also know what it is to begin to find myself. I know what that looks like. I know the beauty of returning home to myself and how sweet and precious that home-coming is. Home is where the heart is……..I never understood how profoundly true that statement was as a child., but I know now.

All this to say that my biggest credential is in the Art of Returning…from isolation to connection, from hopelessness to joy, from fear to love.

My background profession is in natural health, where I have worked as a practitioner and teacher of Herbal Medicine and Naturopathy since 2008 (following my lost years).

In 2018, I participated in the Magdalena Practitioner Program. The deep personal transformational work alongside a steady and disciplined focus on energetic awareness and mastery was a combination that was to change my life forever.

With this program grew a desire to share the teachings with others and in 2019 I became a Certified life coach, followed by an Awakened Life teacher, and finally a Magdalena teacher.

My life learnings and teaching skills alongside 8 years of experience in leading regular meditation groups combined with a calling inside of my heart is what brings me here today.